The King County Council this week approved $4 million in supplemental budget funding for an integrated program to support small businesses in unincorporated King County that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 and the public health measures needed to curb its spread have had devastating economic effects in King County.

In response, the King County Council voted unanimously to provide $4 million in supplemental budget funding to the Department of Local Services to create a grant program and work with local chambers of commerce and neighborhood community groups to provide technical assistance to small businesses across unincorporated King County.

The measure provides $3.5 million in grants for small businesses, $400,000 in technical support, and $100,000 in language access support.

“I was proud to have run the amendment that doubled the amount of financial support proposed going specifically to the unincorporated King County business community,” Councilmember Joe McDermott said. “This initial investment in chambers of commerce, community organizations and direct grants to small businesses with a strong focus on equity for our neighbors who have been historically disadvantaged is a crucial piece of the puzzle the county can contribute in the broader recovery effort we face as a region, state and country in the months ahead.”

The grant program will focus on licensed businesses in unincorporated King County that have up to 15 employees, have been in business longer than three years, have up to $1.5 million in gross annual revenue, and have not yet received aid from other sources.

Grant selection criteria will be developed with input from county councilmembers whose districts include unincorporated areas. The ordinance directs the grant program to consider applications from businesses located in, or owned by members of, communities that have been disproportionately impacted by inequities and discrimination.

The $400,000 for technical assistance will allow the Department of Local Services to partner with local chambers of commerce or community-based organizations that provide support to small businesses. Those agencies will help small businesses apply for grants and will also provide marketing and other support.

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